Do you want to shape the future of shared spaces – and win €10 000 to implement you idea?

16 January 2018 Do you also think that shared spaces in apartment buildings could be more including, more resourceful, more fun? Join the Shared Space Challenge at HSB Living Lab and get the chance to win €10 000 to see your idea realised. In january 27:th you’ll have the chance to develope and shape you idea with the a little help from friends from HSB Living Lab!

The competition welcomes companies, researchers, students and others that has an idea, prototype or innovation that could result in increase utilisation of shared spaces in apartment buildings. Preferably should it also increase resource-use efficiency, or decrease environmental impact.

You submit your idea in the format of a video recording to illustrate how it benefits an apartment building's shared space. The winner is announced in March 2018 and receives €10 000 to develop and implement the idea into the shared space of HSB Living Lab.

Ideation workshop with lunch and fika!
Saturday 27th of january you have the chance for a touch up of your idea when we invite all to an open workshop att HSB Living Lab. We can also help you to enter the Shared Space Challenge with you idea. Read more about the workshop below.

Here you’ll find more information about the Shared Space Challenge.