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Emergency service

When you live at HSB Gambrinus, we want you to feel safe and secure in your home. However, if you are exposed to serious disturbances in your home or if you notice that unauthorized people are in the property, you can call our emergency service.

If, on the other hand, the disturbance concerns a disturbing neighbour, we recommend that you contact your neughbour first. However, if the disturbance continues, contact the emergency service.  

We have an agreement with Securitas, that if its necessary sends a security guard to the property. 

When you call the emergency service, you must state: 

  • Your name, adress and phone number 
  • Name and adress of the person who is disturbing you. 

The emergency service does not go out on anonymous reports, but of course the guard does not tell who made the report. 

Telephone number for the emergency service is 010-4705184 and you can call 24/7. 

What is a disturbance?

People think differently when it comes to this issue. Some are disturbed by things that others do not care about. 

In order for people to work together and thrive well, it is necessary to take each other into account. 

Between 22.00-07.00 you should take extra care and be a little quieter. 

Are you having a party? 

We have very few disturbance cases, but most of the cases we receive are in connection with someone celebrating a holiday and the party getting a little loud.  

If you are having a party, we recomment that you inform your neighbours in advance and make sure to turn down the volume of the music when it gets late. 


What happens after a disturbance?

After a disturbance has been reported, we receive a written report from the security company. If there has been a serious disturbance, we contact the disturbing tenant.   

If this is a first disturbance, we will give the tenant a telephone call or a simple warning letter. 

If it is a serious disturbance or a repeated disturbance, a written warning is issued in the form of aletter of summons (Summons to take corrective action ie a request to stop the disturbings). 

When we send a reminding letter, a copy is also sent to the social administration in accordance with the rules of the Rent Act. 

NOTE! If we receive a confirmed disturbance, we will also send an invoice to the tenant who disturbed. This invoice is appr. 3000kr.