Well-Being Rules

Life and movement are part of everyday life in an apartment building area. Living close to other people therefore requires sensitivity and consideration. Everyone should be able to thrive, both in their own home and on the association's common areas.

Here we have collected some well-being rules that we hope that everyone can get help from and relate to.
All to create a nice area where we can all thrive together.

Driving in the area:
In the area, drive the car slowly and carefully, think walking speed. There are animals, children as well as cyclists and pedestrians to consider.
It is okay to park the car next to the home for unloading and loading, then the car is moved to the parking lot or garage.

Grilling / Smoking:
Grilling and smoking should not take place in connection with ventilation / fresh air intake. If these are, for example, placed on the front yard, then you grill / smoke on the back yard and if these are placed on the back yard, you grill / smoke on the front yard. The common surface can also be used for this.

Dogs - Dogs must be tethered within the area and rested outside the area. The neighbor's plot and shrubbery are not a place for the dog to perform its needs, nor are the children's sandboxes. Should an accident occur, it is the owner's responsibility to clean up after his dog.

Cats - The owner of the cat has a responsibility to ensure that it does not cause harm or other significant inconvenience to anyone else. The children's sandboxes are not a place for the cat to fulfill its needs, as is the neighbor's plot and patio.
Should the cat cause harm to a neighbor’s yard, talk to the person and agree on a solution to keep the cat away

Birds - Feeding birds is both pleasant and favorable for bird life, but unfortunately we do not want this to be done in the area as it attracts rats and mice as well as other pests.
If you want to feed the birds, we refer to place food in the forest.
If you are going to hang out food in your own yard during the winter when the forest is difficult to access, we see that you feed with pork / fat that is hung high above the ground. DO NOT feed with bird seeds.

Disturbances: Occasional parties with loud music are permitted, after 10 pm the noise level must be lowered. Music played every day is played for yourself and not for your neighbors.
Renovations and other projects that can be revived, machines in use and the like, we prefer to do during the day.
Other recurring disturbances that reasonably should not be tolerated should be dealt with in the first place with the person causing the disturbance and then arrive at a solution. If this does not work, you should contact the board.

Keep in mind that some noises are normal and unavoidable in a condominium area, these can be occasional loud parties, playing and loud children, lawn mowing, vacuuming, TV noise, walking on the stairs or flushing the toilet. These sounds of life have to be accepted.

Smoke detectors: is a cheap insurance policy that we would like to see every member purchase and regularly check to make sure they are working.

Moisture detectors: must be placed on the floor under the sink, this is handled by the association, and they make sure to change the detector at regular intervals. The moisture detector must be placed on a dishcloth/wettex cloth, when the dishcloth attracts water, the moisture detector alarms. 

The laundry room: leave the laundry room in good condition after washing, clean and keep it clean

Garbage bins: Everyone is responsible for their own rubbish, sort rubbish according to instructions inside the bins, do not leave bulky rubbish in the bins but take it away to a nearby recycling centre.
Do not leave rubbish outside your door as it attracts magpies and rats.