When you're about to build and renovate

Knowing what applies when you want to build new and renovate both inside and on the outside of your own flat is not so easy. Therefore, we’ve collected some information about what you can do and what needs permission from the Board.

Inside your own flat it's ok to:

  • Put up wallpaper
  • Paint
  • Add new floor
  • Renovate bathroom and kitchen as long as it's done professionally
  • Change non-load-bearing structure

Interference with a load-bearing structure requires approval of the Board.
Those types of interference, for example, could be:

  • changes to cables other than power lines
  • changes to ventilation or dranage pipes
  • changes on load-bearing walls

The Board may not refuse permission for these procedures, unless the measures would tangible damage to the association.

Always contact the Board before you begin a renovation project.


Renovation outside on your own lawn

Planting bushes, flowers and trees is approved, but remember to look after your garden so that trees and bushes don’t grow into your neighbor’s lawn. As we have both children and animals running around in our area we encourage everyone to keep bushes and trees away of the roads. Cars and tractors need a good view over the road so no accident occurs.

When it comes to build constructions on your own lawn, we follow the rules that exist at Skellefteå municipality, the Building Committee.
If you have questions about what you may or may not build we refer to Skellefteå municipality.

City Hall, Trädgårdsgatan 6
0910 - 73 50 00

The board would like a certificate which contains the information of that the nearest neighbor has been informed about the construction on your own lawn