Newspaper August/September 2022


Now the board's work has started again after a wonderful holiday period.

We would like to thank everyone who had the opportunity to participate during the association's competition in August, it was an even match that ended in a draw. Pictures can be found under the "Pictures" tab on our website.

The board has had a dialogue with the contractor regarding the northern entrance, where it has been decided that it should be re-excavated. The hope is that they will excavate and fill again in the fall and a new asphalting will take place in the spring. That is the goal, but in the worst case, everything will happen in the spring of 2023. Fighting to get it to an excavation in the fall of 2022. Also asphalting at the upper gray garage length must be included in this project.

Skellefteå Kraft's fiber laying will start shortly, with exterior work taking place during the fall and interior laying during the winter. Before the end of January 2023, everything must be ready.
Information about when the workers need access to the apartment for indoor drawing will be sent out to those concerned a week before.
Placement of equipment indoors will be as follows:
The 2s – Inside the bedroom
The 3s – Inside the third bedroom (the room many use as an office)
4s and 5s – Upstairs in the hall next to the stairs (same as today)

Information about the selected broadband provider will be available shortly and what residents will have to do during the transition.
But an important piece of information that we can mention already now is that everyone who today has an email via our existing broadband provider, i.e. those who have an e-mail ending in, will have to change as this will disappear at the end of January 2023.
What you will need to do is get another email, you need to save important e-mails, save contacts and notify others about your new e-mail.
It is good if you start with this in good time!
A tip is to choose an email that is not linked to the existing broadband provider, but instead choose an email such as, or similar.

Another thing to inform about is that fault reports about windows and doors go to the Deputy Host, who now also has a new email.
During August, the Contractor has remedied the reports received so far, continue to send in if there are any errors that arise, and the Deputy Host will collect all the reports and send the request to the Contractor. Urgent cases are dealt with as soon as possible.

There are many people waiting for the locks for the balcony door, the long delivery time means that it will be delayed, but we hope and wish that these arrive as soon as possible!

Other questions and considerations or suggestions for improvements are sent to the board.

Another thing to inform about is that now the desired trapezoidal hooks are located at each waste room, they were installed incorrectly from the beginning but now the correct hooks should be there so that you can attach the leash when you take the dog with you to the waste room.

The project to spruce up the entrance to the Neighborhood Yard has begun, so accessibility will be limited for the southern entrance to the Neighborhood Yard. The project will result in a more welcoming entrance with substantial slabs that can withstand a car driving over them, all so that you can back up close to the entrance if you need to load in or out of the car. A boule court is also planned next to the Neighborhood Yard to create a fun community.

That was all we had for now.
Wishing you a pleasant and cozy autumn!