Newspaper February 2022

Then we’re in the second month of the year and the sun is finally shining after a long time of darkness 


Not only does the sun make everyday life brighter, a lot of other exciting things will gild life in the future.

We start by telling you about some small and good things that will be acquired here in our area.
Following a request from our members, a special hook will be set up outside each garbage room so that those of you with dogs in a leash could attach the leash in the hook while you throw away your garbage.
The area will also be adorned with “drive slowly – playing children” signs and traffic mirrors around the garage as we try to do what we can to increase security here in our area

The Nomination Committee paid a visit during the last Board meeting and told about their solid work they do in recruiting members to the Board. Everyone is welcome to join the Board and it’s an incredibly fun and rewarding job.
The Board will also in the future have team-building meetings about 4 times a year, just so that everyone gets to know each other and feel safe with the group. A board that is safe with each other can more easily make difficult decisions and work better together.

Now we are also starting to get a little tired of this pandemic that has been and we would like to start meetings and other fun for all members. Now it's time for us to do something nice together.
mong other things, we will arrange a coffee break / sausage grilling up in the forest, we have our cleaning day during spring where we rake and clean the area and drink a cup of coffee together, also the idea is that we will start Tallen's pentathlon. This will happen during the summer where the "yards” who want to participate can come and participate and compete in fun games and competitions against each other.
More information about this fun spectacle will come here in the future.  

Soon, everyone will be provided with new moisture alarms and an information sheet on how and where to place this.
Tenant- owner association Tallen has chosen to provide all households with a moisture alarm as it is a security that will counteract that any major water damage occurs in the kitchen. As soon as there is a water leak under the sink, this should sound the alarm, so it is important that it is placed on the floor under the sink.

As the rules for booking the sauna have been non-existent, the booking rules for the sauna have changed, now you can only book one session (2 hours) per day and per person.
f you wish to book the sauna for a longer period of time, contact Deputy Host Christer Burman.

Last but not least to mention is that the parking group continues with its enormous work, they have arranged a framework description of the project electric car charging, produced a lot of information about this and started asking for quotes from various contractors. They discuss a lot of questions and thoughts so as not to miss any important point.

If you have any thoughts and reflections or tips and ideas regarding parking / garage or electric car charging, please send them to

A set of rules regarding our rental car parks is also being discussed, where help and tips will be taken from Aimopark, this is still under discussion and many questions are also there to work out, more info will come later. 

A decision was also made that our guest car parks will have other conditions, from the 1st  of April these will change to 6 hours free parking, if your guest need to stay longer than 6 hours, it will cost SEK 25 / day to park there. Just to avoid that our guest car parks are mismanaged.
Payment is made via app or text message, control of these car parks is handled by Aimopark.

That was all for this time.
Thank you for your time and I wish you a continued pleasant February.