Newspaper March/April 2022

Winter is coming to an end and spring has come, the snow is melting and the sun is warming

This magazine starts by informing about upcoming activities in the spring.

As the weather was not on our side during the weekend of 8th-9th April when the idea was to have a quiz-walk around the area with sausage grilling, a new date for this event will be planned. The idea is to hold this activity Saturday 30/4. The invitation to the quiz-walk will be sent out shortly to everyone in the mailbox. During that activity, we will together go on a quiz-walk around our area, which then ends with coffee and sausage grilling. We all keep our fingers crossed that the weather will now be with us in the future so that we have a nice day together.

When the snow has melted away, it's time for the annual cleaning day where we rake and do well in the association. So far there is no date for this event without information about this coming later.

Towards the end of May, an association meeting is usually held where all members can come and participate. Information about day, time and place will be out soon.

Further to tell is that during the meeting in March, the board was visited by our finance manager at HSB. She went through the financial report and clarified about certain points. A summary of it all is that the association has a good economy that is well managed. This is something that the bank has also noted, which means that the association continues to have low interest rates when renegotiating loans.

AimoPark also visited the board in March and informed about upcoming directives regarding our visitor car parks. It has previously been mentioned that the visitor car parks will have their rules changed at the beginning of April. This is something that will be postponed as the issue needs to be reviewed and discussed further. It was therefore decided that new directives would be awaited.

The parking group is working full time with its large project in parking and electric car charging.

Some signs have now been ordered and will soon be installed in the area, there are playful "drive slowly" signs and a new "warning for speed bumps" sign that will be at the roadblock along the first entrance.

Traffic mirrors are under discussion where the board is considering possible placements of these

During the meeting in April, the Board was visited by the Nomination Committee, which informed about how the work is going with candidates for various positions. Something that is missing are candidates for the Nomination Committee and a candidate for the position of Auditor-Deputy. If you feel that you would be suitable for one of these assignments, please contact the Nomination Committee.

Furthermore, we want to remind a little about the wildlife and some well-being rules.

If you want to feed the birds and benefit the bird life, we refer to feeding them in the forest and not next to the houses. If you now want birds outside the window, we ask you NOT to feed with nuts and bird seeds as these easily litter which in turn attracts mice and rats. Rather feed with pork / fat, which is then placed high above the ground.

Regarding information about cats and dogs, that information is under investigation and will be published soon.
Until then, common sense, you as an owner are also responsible of your pet and you need to make sure it doesn't do any damage or harm to anyone else.

The badger that visited us in the summer of 2020 has not been seen since and we hope that it will remain so. If you someday will see this badger or other animals that do not belong in the area, please inform the board about it.

Last to mention is to feel free to contact the board email with questions and thoughts and if you have tips and ideas. Now that activities have started, all tips and ideas are welcome about what you as members would like to come up with for fun here in the future.

Thanks for this time.

I wish you a happy Easter and a wonderful spring.