Newspaper October/November 2022

Autumn darkness is here, winter is coming and preparation for Christmas begins soon.

As you all have noticed, there is and has been a lot of digging and projects on the outside. For one thing, we have some guys from Skellefteå Kraft / Energiservice who are here digging and fixing our new fiber network, the external wiring will soon be ready and then the internal wiring in each apartment will begin, date of when they want access to the apartment will arrive shortly to each.
Since then, "digger Greger" has been here and fixed the southern entrance to the neighborhood yard and tidied up the boule alley. A ramp up to the northern entrance is also arranged, with a door opener so that it will be easier to get in and out.
The last excavation project that has been done is the excavation of the area's northern entrance. As many noticed during the spring, it was not possible to drive there, the road became really bad from all the frost, so now this must be remedied with a substantial excavation and filling with good material. This will now be allowed to lie and be flattened until the summer of 2023, asphalting will take place. In the same vein, it will be asphalted up at the corner between Kvistgatan 2 and the garage.

Now that it has become cooler times, we urge everyone to turn off the summer water. If you don't know how to proceed, it's fine to ask a friendly neighbor, the board or the deputy host for help.

Further to inform about is that during the autumn there have been four sales of apartments, we thank those who move out for their time here and welcome those who move in to our association. Hope you enjoy yourself.

I want to take the opportunity to remind you of what needs to be done before the change of broadband provider. Those with an email address ending in need to get a new email as this will disappear at the end of January. You also need to save email addresses and other important emails that you want to keep.
You with telephony and who wish to keep it will be able to do so, what you need to do is that from the end of January you contact Bahnhof to activate the telephony service, after that you can request a porting if you wish to keep your existing number .

Most of you have received a letter from Telenor regarding the termination that has been made now that we are going to switch to Bahnhof. They want all the equipment to be sent back and if you don't do it, an invoice of SEK 500 will be issued.
After some discussion with Telenor, they have agreed to cancel the SEK 500 fee. But they want everyone who has equipment left to send it back according to the instructions given in the letter, no later than 14 days after January 31st 2023 it must be sent.
In short, those of you who still have equipment/router from Telenor are happy to send it back, those of you who do not have any equipment/router left do not need to do anything and there will be no charge.

During the last board meeting, the board reviewed the budget for the year 2023. It was decided that the rent increase will continue in the same order with a 1% increase, and that the rent for the parking spaces should remain at the same amount as today, SEK 225/parking space.
If you want to know more about why you pay a monthly fee and why we as an association have chosen a successive increase, you can read under the tab Information – To Live in a condominium - Why pay a monthly fee? - Why a gradual increase in the monthly fee?.

Further to inform about is that there have been some changes in the booking system regarding the laundry room and the sauna, also to create more accessibility for everyone.
Regarding the laundry room, it can only be booked 4 times/month per household. The time has been changed to 4 hours/pass and you can only book one pass per day and household.
Regarding the sauna, the time has been changed to 2 hours/session and you can only book one session per day and household. There is also an automatic cancellation, if you have not arrived at the sauna within the first 15 minutes, the booking will automatically go back.

Also want to add a small reminder about the procedure for reporting faults on windows and doors. It is sent to the Deputy Host, where we would like it to be received via email as it will be easier to document.
We are aware that the locks for the window doors have not yet arrived and been installed, this has been reported as a fault and is being investigated as to why these are taking so long to fix.
If you experience that a fault report is not made or that you wait a long time to get it fixed, you make a fault report again to the deputy host.

A reminder that tips, ideas and complaints are welcome to be sent to the Board's email.


The last thing to mention this time is that it's time for the filter change, this is done by our deputy host who sends out information about which day it will be shortly. The caretaker will enter with the master key if you are not at home at the appointed time. It is grateful if you take care to clean around the fan so that it is quick and easy to change the filter.

Wishing everyone a continued pleasant and cozy autumn.