Upcoming Broadbandsupplier


It has been decided that Bahnhof will have the honor of being our future broadband provider.
Of all the offer we recieved Bahnhof gave us the best offer, broadband, telephony and a router to a good price.
They also have good support wich is important to us.

All members will receive a speed of 250/250Mbit/s and that a new router will be distributed to each one after the turn of the year.
Also telephony will be included where only the cost of calls will be charged to each. 

The agreement with Telenor ends on 31/01/2023. Connection of Bahnhof's service takes place on 25/01/2023.
We have chosen to have this overlap so that you have time to connect the equipment and test that everything works.


Important information follows below

Email address @bredband.net

Those of you who have an email address ending in @bredband.net will need to change your email address. This ceases with the termination of the agreement with Telenor on 31-01-2023.
You then need to create a new email, preferably one that is not linked to a particular broadband provider, for example @gmail.com or @hotmail.com.
You then save important emails and email addresses on your computer.

Good if you start with this now as it takes a while to inform everyone about your new email.


To get access to the telephone service via Bahnhof, you first need to plug in the router that we get from them. The next step is to contact Bahnhof to request that the service be turned on.

Those of you who currently have IP telephony and want to keep your current phone number need to contact Bahnhof's support at the end of January 2023 and ask for a porting of your existing number.


The association covers the cost of porting.

Other information

Wait for the date 25/01/2023, when things first happen. Then you can connect your devices and hopefully enjoy the new connected fiber network where Bahnhof delivers its service.

The router supplied via Bahnhof is not a must to use, you can use any one you like, but in order for Bahnhof to be able to provide the best support in case of error reports, it is an advantage if you use their router.

Router distributed
Router will be distributed to everyone in January 2023.

Information from Bahnhof and number to support will be delivered together with the router.


For questions and concerns, please contact Styrelsen.Tallen@gmail.com