Newspaper April May June

Association meeting:
Tallen's general meeting was held on Tuesday 30/5. We want to thank all of you who wanted to be with us during this day. The annual report was reviewed without any comments and can be read on Mitt Hsb and on the website under the tab Information -> Documents -> Annual report
When it came to the election of the board, the old board remained in the usual order with Roger Burström as chairman and other members Maria Lindahl (deputy chairman), Therese Lindqvist (secretary), Kjell-Åke Johansson, Carola Eliasson Åström, Curt Lundmark, Marika Segerstedt and Åke Vallin. Sofie Ågren left, who was thanked with flowers and gift cards.
After voting, the meeting elected Conny Ohlsson as convener with Ann-Sofie Holmström and Sofie Ågren as the rest of the Nomination Committee.
The new bylaws were adopted and an extra meeting will be held to hammer through these new bylaws. Specifically, which future changes will take place in our statutes can be read under News on our website.

As you may have noticed, everyone's mailboxes are now sitting up by the garages and keys to these have been distributed. We have not yet received any information from Postnord about when they will start distributing in these new boxes, so the mail still arrives in our old box by the door.
Important to note is that the old mailbox at the entrance must remain in its usual place as advertising and newspapers, magazines and the like will continue to be distributed there. Likewise, packages delivered by Earlybird and other deliveries will continue to be left in mailboxes as usual.
When it comes to those of you who are in need of a dispensation due to disability and/or are over 80 years old, you need to contact Karin to report this and tell them which address applies.

Most of all the internet problems we had in connection with the change of supplier have now been fixed, if you experience problems with low speed or have other concerns, you continue to contact Bahnhof at their customer support, state that you belong to Brf Tallen in Skellefteå.
You can also contact the board and some problems can be solved by us, not all problems but some we can help with.

Asphalting of the northern entrance and the corner by the upper gray garage will take place shortly. Now we hope that the northern entrance will be better and that the frost will not cause more problems.
Even where digging for internet mining took place, the ground will be restored.

Electric car charging:
Maintenance of engine heaters and poles is an upcoming activity in our maintenance plan. So in the contribution that the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency gives if you choose to install electric car chargers, the board decided to install new electrical outlets in the garages and new hoods for the rental parking lots that are prepared for charging electric cars.
The project is planned to start in August/September.
More information about this will come shortly.

Laundry & Sauna:
For some time, the board has been keeping statistics regarding bookings for the laundry room and the sauna, as well as calculating the cost of electricity and water consumption. After voting, it was decided during the previous meeting that every booking will be charged by 50 Sek per booking.

Garbage room:
We note that rubbish ends up in our rubbish bins that doesn't belong there, bulky rubbish that should be sent for recycling. Would like to remind everyone that our waste rooms are only for household waste.
Feel free to go in and read on our website under the tab Information -> Waste if you are unsure about what should and should not be thrown away. Even the signs inside our waste rooms clearly indicate what should be thrown away in each container.
Unfortunately, the whole association suffers from extra costs if we do not take care of our waste rooms.

Upcoming activities:
The boule court will soon be completed and an inauguration will be held.
Tallens Triathlon will take place during the month of August.
Specific dates for these activities will be announced later.

Sol konturContact:
A small reminder that tips, ideas and complaints are welcome to be sent to the Board's email,
And that the deputy host has a new email and can now be reached at
You turn there, for example, if you have a fault report regarding your windows and front doors, questions about the apartment, the neighborhood yard, the area or the rental parking lots.
Good information and news can be read on our website

Hereby we wish you all a really nice and happy summer!