Statutes are the association's regulations that describe what rules exist. To ensure security for both association and residents, all HSB associations have something called HSB standard statutes. These are statutes that are checked against current legislation and thus comply with the law but also contain HSB's basic rules.
HSB's current standard statutes are a few years old and since they were drawn up, both the language and the legislation have changed. The main reason for the development of the new statutes is that there have been changes in the legislation. HSB Södertörn works to ensure that all condominium associations have updated and correct statutes that comply with current legislation. That each association has updated and correct statutes is important to both ensure the safety of the members and the association. These new statutes have mainly been updated to adapt to new legislation but also with some linguistic improvements.
Please note that the statutes may not be adopted in English, this is only an informational material. In cases where there are discrepancies between the Swedish version and the English version, it is always the Swedish version that applies.