Tyvärr finns det två mindre fel i den tryckta årsredovisningen.
På sidan V (dagordningen) ska rubriken Motioner stå under 1. Gruppanslutning bredband.
På sidorna 21-22 (Revisionsberättelsen) är det i rubrikerna fel på å, ä och ö.
Felen är rättade i den version som du kan ladda ner från listan nedan.
English text
The ordinary general assembly 2019 was held Thursday the 25:th of April at 7 PM in Restaurang Terra, Solna Gate, Hemvärnsgatan 9, Solna.
The notice to attend was put up in the entrances of the buildings on the 30:th of March. The yearly report for 2018 has been distributed to all mail boxes.
The minutes with attachements can be read outside the assembly hall in the lower basement (NK) of Wiboms väg 10.
You can also download the notice, the report and forms for authorization and application for the meal as well as the minutes with attachements below.