
29 april 2021

Together with Brf Arenberga and Husaren here on Sätunavägen, we are in the process of developing an agreement with Securitas regarding emergency services and safety emergency services.


Emegency services

Means that we residents are offered a safe and secure living environment in cooperation with Securitas. It does so by conflict or irritations us accommodation between usually someone plays music too loud or too noisy. It can be difficult to deal with this as often word against another. Securitas' emergency service finds, documents and in some cases contacts the resident (s) and asks the person in question to calm down. When a call arrives at the Disruption Emergency Contact Center, you state your name and telephone number as the notifier. The person who reports is always anonymous to the person who is disturbing.

If you report without any disturbance being identified by Securitas, the cost can be transferred to the notifier. Each turn-out estimate to cost about SEK 2,500.

Examples of when to use emergency services:

loud music, loud parties, parent-free parties and shouting and screaming.


Examples of not using emergency services, the police should be contacted:

homeless people on the stairs, vandalism, threatening people, unknown people staying in the stairwell and felt threatening and fights or assaults.

The emergency service is offered between 22.00 and 06.00, phone number 010-470 57 00


Safety emergency services

Means that for 3 to 4 times a week a patrol guard comes to Sätunavägens three associations. The security service is performed at night from 19:00 to 03:00.


Newspaper collection / Glass collection

The collection at the turnaround is terminated by the contractor and we refer to the collection on Dragonvägen.


Association work

The association faces exciting challenges in the future and needs to strengthen and also renew participants in the board work and in the nomination committee/leisure committee. Members interested in participating in various functions are welcome to either contact existing board members or submit interest at our functional email address

We have available parking spaces with engine heater sockets and cold garages and also available storage rooms and premises, if interested contact

or by phone 010-442 5000  Together with Brf Arenberga and Husaren here on Sätunavägen, we are in the process of developing an agreement with Securitas regarding emergency services and safety emergency services.


Note as a tenant-owner, you must supplement your home insurance with a condominium supplement.

Link to our website

Tillsammans med Brf Arenberga och Husaren här på Sätunavägen håller vi på att utveckla ett avtal med Securitas om räddningstjänster och säkerhetstjänster.

We are together with Brf Comforter Berga and Husaren here on Sätunavägen about to take up a contract with Securitas regarding interference call and Safety Hotline

Vi är tillsammans med Brf Hjälparen Berga och Husaren här på Sätunavägen på väg att teckna avtal med Securitas angående störningssamtal och säkerhetshotline

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