The food waste inspection was not approved

07 juli 2024

Järfälla kommun has carried out a quality control which showed that when residents throw away their food waste, plastic bags are used instead of food waste bags.

If the next check is not approved, the association will receive an additional fee for missorted food waste. This means additional costs for us and affects our finances.

The use of plastic bags is prohibited. Only the brown food waste bags are approved. They can be picked up in the general waste room (open: Monday and Thursday 7.00-9.00 and 17.00-19.00) and at Coop's entrance.

If your food waste bag leaks - then use double bags. 

More information about food waste management on Järfälla kommun`s website: and from brochure ” Welcome to brf Västerby” 


Best regards

The board at brf Västerby


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